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Meditrend’s Antioxidants


60 and Over – Meditrend’s antioxidants to the rescue!

In 2014 more than 40 million men and women were estimated to be 60 years or older. By 2025 this number will increase to over 75 million!

People in their 60’s today are healthier, working longer and more active than people in their 60’s of years past. Why? Mainly because men and women pay closer attention to exercise and diet recommendations. For example, so much more information is available about the relationships between heart disease and nutrition.

Here are a few other guidelines to follow:

If you are a female between the ages 59 and 69, your recommended calorie intake per day is 1,600.

If you are a male between the ages of 59 and 69, your recommended calorie intake per day is 2,000.

Even if you think your daily activities such as golf, tennis, walking or biking warrant more calories, ask yourself this? “Do I spend the majority of my day sitting?” If the answer is yes, you have a sedentary lifestyle and that is what your calorie intake should be based upon, not the amount of workouts or activities you partake in every day.

For a healthy brain:

  • Exercise(go outside for a long walk)
  • Work on puzzles and other brain teaser games
  • A diet rich in antioxidants and omega 3 fatty acids

For healthy eyes:

  • A diet rich in vitamin A, C and omega 3 fatty acids, Lutein and Zeaxanthin and zinc.
  • Rest your eyes during the day
  • Have regular eye examines

For a healthy metabolism:

  • Exercise (yoga is great!)
  • Strength training(buy 2 pound weights to use when you are out walking or just puttering around the house)
  • Cardiovascular workouts

For healthy bones and skin:

  • A diet rich in calcium and vitamin D(ten minutes of direct sunshine every day is worth its weight in gold)
  • A healthy weight

There are many supplements to help us through our golden years. Antioxidants are a huge plus in supporting a healthy brain, clear skin and strong bones.

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