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Blog - Pain Relief

Fibromyalgia and Substance P


Fibromyalgia is a painful disease that many people suffer from without even know it.

Serotonin is associated with a calming response in the body. It helps to reduce anxiety and depression when the levels are normal. Researchers have found the increased presence of a chemical called "substance P" in individuals with fibromyalgia. This chemical is responsible for increasing and amplifying pain signals in the human body. Studies show that women have 7 times less serotonin in their brains as opposed to men. Women are more likely to develop fibromyalgia as a result.

Hormonal changes and menopause are also linked to individuals with fibromyalgia. And other studies suggest people with lower than normal levels of human growth hormone are susceptible to developing this disease. Some researchers also theorize that stress and lack of sleep play a major role in the development of fibromyalgia. Stress and lack of sleep affect how much serotonin your brain releases. If you are under constant high stress and/or not getting enough sleep your brain will release less serotonin. With less serotonin, an increase in pain sensitivity is found.

Symptoms of fibromyalgia include:

  • Chronic muscle pain, muscle spasms, or tightness
  • Moderate or severe fatigue and decreased energy
  • Insomnia or waking up feeling just as tired as when you went to sleep
  • Stiffness upon waking or after staying in one position for too long
  • Difficulty remembering, concentrating, and performing simple mental tasks ("fibro fog")
  • Abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, and constipation alternating with diarrhea (irritable bowel syndrome)
  • Tension or migraine headaches
  • Jaw and facial tenderness
  • Sensitivity to one or more of the following: odors, noise, bright lights, medications, certain foods, and cold
  • Feeling anxious or depressed
  • Numbness or tingling in the face, arms, hands, legs, or feet
  • Reduced tolerance for exercise and muscle pain after exercise

Because the symptoms of this disease mimic so many others, many are suffering from fibromyalgia without ever realizing it. If you are experiencing several of these symptoms, speak with your doctor to discuss the possibility of having fibromyalgia. Because there is no single known cause, there is also no single treatment. Stress management and lifestyle changes are the major treatments for fibromyalgia. 

There are now prescription drugs on the market for fibromyalgia. However, with any pharmaceutical drugs comes unwanted and even dangerous side effects. Homeopathic sublingual therapies offer relief as well. Progena Fibromyalgen may offer relief from symptoms when supplemented with stress management and an active lifestyle. 

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