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Blog - blood sugar

Blood Sugar


Blood sugar, or glucose, is the main sugar found in your blood.

It comes from the foods you eat, and is your body's main source of get up and go. Your blood carries glucose to all of your body's cells to use for energy. The levels of glucose (sugar) in your blood changes throughout the day and night. The amounts will change depending upon when, what and how much you have eaten, and whether or not you have exercised.

Well-balanced blood sugar levels are pivotal to your overall fitness and well-being, regulating your hormones, triggering your body to burn stored fat, and increasing your metabolism to help you keep those pesky pounds off.

Unfortunately, most people’s blood sugar is either too high or too low. If you’re eating too much sugar, it leads to high blood-sugar levels, which your body can’t break down and stores as fat. Ironically, not getting enough sugar can also lead to putting on extra pounds! Eating too little glucose can lead to a low blood sugar level, causing your body to go into “starvation mode” where it starts burning your lean muscle instead of unwanted fat – a double whammy to your system, your diet and your waist line.

To have a stable blood sugar level and be free from food cravings and obsessions, you will need to eat in a way that creates balance inside your body. When you are in a state of equilibrium, you will feel satisfied with the food you eat, and you will eat as a way to satisfy physical hunger and keep your blood sugar stabilized rather than simply due to appetite.

Not everyone can do this, the fast-track we call life gets in the way. Fortunately, there are several good diets and tips on the internet and in your local book store to help keep your blood blood sugar levels healthy, your get up and go going and your waist line trim.

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